赛事征集丨10万元奖金丨全球征集 醴陵城市品牌 宣传平面海报(6.28截稿)
醴陵,一直被誉为“中国陶瓷之乡”,享有千年瓷都的美誉。陶瓷作为支柱产业,为醴陵经济的高质量发展提供了增长新引擎。为了全方位推广醴陵,让更多的人认识醴陵、了解醴陵、爱上醴陵,醴陵市政府以“千年瓷都 天下醴陵”为主题,面向全球征集醴陵城市品牌宣传海报,让醴陵这座实力雄厚的产业之城、海纳百川的开放之城、激情澎湃的创新之城、独具魅力的文化之城、引人留人的宜居之城,成为人们向往的“理想之城”。 Liling, a millennium-old city, has long been known as “a land of Chinese ceramics”. As the mainstay industry, ceramics has been a powerful engine of the local economy’s high-quality development. To further promote Liling, for more people to learn about and love it, the municipal government confirms the theme “Millennium-Old Capital of Ceramics, Liling City of the World”, and calls to the globe for the best posters of Liling City as a brand. The posters should aim for Liling to be a popular city of heart’s desire, to be more influential in the ceramic industry, open to new trends, innovative in design, unique in culture and pleasant in environment.
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